Five Must Reads

Even though you deserve an awesome explanation as to why I was gone the past two weeks, five days, four hours,  sixteen minutes, and twelve- no, thirteen- seconds, I have no explanation. I just kind of… took an extremely long hiatus. At least, to me. I just said I’d blog tomorrow. Then the next day. As a wise… somebody… once said, why do today what you can do tomorrow? With that attitude every day, you can put things off for all eternity.

So. Very sorry. Now, as the title says, five of my most interesting recent reads. Here goes. I’m not writing a review, just saying that I enjoyed them

1. Elsewhere , by Gabrielle Zevin

2. Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City  by Kirsten Miller

3.   Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix

4. Duchessina by Carolyn Myers

5.  The Son of Neptune
